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Update 2.1.1

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Welcome to another Unturned Update! This time update 2.1.1!

Today 2 dedicated game server companies contacted Nelson asking about getting out massive Unturned servers! Nelson said that the game just needs the Steamworks servers integrated with SteamCMD before that can happen though. 


-Added the miner helmet
 1 construction helmet + 1 torch = 1 miner helmet
2 rags = 1 bandage
2 bandage = 1 dressing
-Added the option to respawn at your bed.
-Added a 10 second cooldown on PvP for bed respawns.
-Added message for version mismatch.
-Added the ability to put shutters on walls to protect ladders.
-Added keybinds for turning nvgs on/off, dropping items and dequiping items.

-Increased all XP drops.
-Increased metal shield health.
-Increased (slightly) crop growth time.
-Renamed reset to suicide.


-Fixed savedata resets when playing tutorial.
-Fixed a saving bug when destroying the only barricade in a zone.
-Fixed robery to robbery.

Hiring Server Testers!

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players and visitors of our Fansite!

I am currently having trouble to keep the Unturned's Available Servers List updated because I can't keep testing the servers up every 5 minutes, so that's why i'm hiring new people to help me with it.

All you have to do is find available servers IP and send them to me trough steam chat, and, once in a while, (When i ask you to), you test all the IP's on the post and see if they are still working.

As a reward for it i can't really give you anything except the opportunity of working with a friendly Staff and community!

If you are interested please contact me at Steam (thebzonez)

See You Around!

Update 2.1.0

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Welcome to another Unturned update! This time 2.1.0!

Today Nelson got to talk to a coder of the C++ to C# Steamworks.NET wrapper, and he says he's working on improving some of the networking code which will really speed up the Valve integration. Hopefully he'll be done in a few days and Nelson is going to be able to get it into the game and start running VAC secure servers! 


-Added player statistics to the main menu.
-Added a scrollbar to the player list.
-Added kicks for teleporting on servers.
-Added security against hacked backpack sizes/weights. 


 -Smoke grenades spawn in militia spawns.
-Dedicated clients resize to 800x600


-Fixed pulling people out of the water/ground on synced servers.
-Fixed the spelling of permanent. 

See You Around! 
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Unturned hit #5 on Steam's Rank!

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Today is a big day to Unturned as it hit the Top #5 on Steam's rank!

Congratulations to Nelson (Unturned's developer) and to all the Unturned players that made it possible!

See You Around!


By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

We are happy to tell you that we have been tweeted by Nelson (Unturned's Developer)! Check out his tweet!

If you want to check out our official twitter page click here

See You Around!


By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Welcome to another update of Unturned, update!

Nelson was surprised that Unturned was ranked 6# on Steam (Don't knoiw why was he surprise because Unturned is an amazing game ans should be ranked #1!) And he told the community to push it up to the fifth place!


-Added Garages

1 window + 1 support = 1 Garage Port
2 shutters + 2 bolts = Garage Door 

-Added it so that claiming a bed unclaims any other beds you claimed.
-Added a "server full" message when joining a full server.  (Thank God)


-Increased the amount of barbed wire to make fences.
-Reduced the amount of cloth and wire from decomposition.
-Reduced the revolver range.
-Reduced the spread of the Proninety and Uzy.


-Fixed the bars and underside of ramps.
-Fixed a water color rendering glitch. By the way the reason proud water lags you is because it has to render the scene extra times for the reflections. 

Networking Progress:

Tomorrow Nrldon is going to put the new Steamworks wrapper into Unturned which will hopefully mean Mac support on Monday and the foundation to implement Valve networking. 

Post in the comments what did you like / didn't like about this new update!

See You Around!

Unturned Map

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Rizki suggested we posted a map of Unturned here in the Fansite, so here it is!

Special Thanks to Rizki for the suggestion!

See You Around!
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Update 2.0.8

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Welcome to Update 2.0.8!

Nelson has been trying to answer more e-mails but there are way too many so he cant reply them all!


-Added braziers and chests that can hold up to 6 items!
 1 Crate + 3 Cross = 1 Chest
2 Sticks + 2 Scrap = 1 Brazier

-Added the ability to build outwards and upside down

-Added some more recipes

1 Rope + 1 Cloth = 3 Fertilizer
1 Scrap using Handsaw = 3 Wire
1 Cloth using Handsaw = 3 Ropes

-Added collateral explosions to explosives (shooting a landmine sets it off and blows any explosive device near by)


 -Moved sirens position to be more nicely lit and are synced with audio.

-Reduced the number of supplies required to make structures.

-The chainsaw vibrates when used.


-Fixed culling distances breaking on dual render scopes when changed in-game

Steam Network Status

You can now create a bearbone dedicated server as a temporary fix!

Just add the following game command line arguments on the game executable

-batchmode -nographics

 And then one of the following:

-arena / -pei
-normal  /-bambi  / -hardcore / -gold
-sync  / -nosync
-pvp  / -pve 

And then:


I am going to post a detailed tutorial on how to do it later on and if you ask it a lot i will do it even sooner!

Say what did you like / didn't like about this update in the comments section!
See You Around!

Crafting Book

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players! Welcome to the Crafting Book!

This is a list to all the craftable items in Unturned ! In the future we are going to add images to make it look better and easier to understand.


-Logs and Sticks are obtained by chopping trees down with an axe
-Stones are obtained by mining rocks with a Pickaxe

Crafting Recipes


1 Log creates 4 Board
1 Board using Handsaw creates sticks
1 Scrap Metal creates 2 Nails
1 Scrap Metal over a fire creates 2 Bolts
2 Stick using Pocketknife creates 1 Wooden Spike
1 Branch creates 3 Stick
1 Rock creates 3 Stone
2 Stone over a fire creates 1 Scrap Metal
1 Animal Pants creates 1 Animal Pelt


2 Boards create 1 Wooden Plate
2 Sticks create 1 Wooden Support
2 Wooden Plate create Wooden Frame
2 Wooden Support create 1 Wooden Cross
2 Stone create 1 Stone Plate
1 Stone with 1 Board creates 1 Stone Support
2 Stone Plates create 1 Stone Frame
2 Stone Supports create 1 Stone Cross


3 Board with 1 Nails creates 1 Wooden Shield
1 Wooden Frame with 1 Bolts creates 1 Wooden Door
2 Nails creates 1 Caltrop
2 Wire creates 1 Barbed Wire
4 Wooden Spike creates 1 Wooden Spike Trap
1 Can with 2 Scrap Metal creates 1 Snare
3 Scrap Metal with 2 Wire creates 1 Eletric Trap
7 Cloth with 2 Duct Tape creates 1 Sleeping Bag
8 Cloth with 5 Scrap Metal creates 1 Cot
4 Sticks with 4 Stones creates 1 Campfire
1 Wooden Door with 1 Bolts creates 1 Wooden Shutter
3 Raw Explosives with 2 Duct Tape creates 1 MOAB  (requires level 2 Craftsman)
2 Raw Explosives with 4 Wire creates 1 Tripmine (requires level 2 Craftsman)
2 Raw Explosives with 1 Can creates 1 Landine (requires level 2 Craftsman)
4 Scrap Metal with 2 Bolts creates 1 Metal Shield (requires level 2 Craftsman)
2 Wooden Frame with 3 Wooden Cross creates 1 Crate (requires level 1 Craftsman)
1 Crate with 3 Scrap Metal creates 1 Metal Locker (requires level 2 Craftsman)
 1 Crate + 3 Cross = 1 Chest (NEW)
2 Sticks + 2 Scrap = 1 Brazier (NEW) 


3 Wooden Frame creates 1 Wooden Foundation
2 Wooden Support with 1 Board creates 1 Wooden Pillar
2 Wooden Frame with 2 Wooden Pillar creates 1 Wooden Wall
1 Wooden Wall with 1 Wooden Support creates 1 Wooden Doorway
4 Wooden Plate with 1 Wooden Cross creates 1 Wooden Platform
1 Wooden Platform with 2 Wooden Support creates 1 Wooden Ramp
1 Wooden Foundation with 4 Fertilizer creates 1 Greenhouse Foundation
1 Wooden Platform with 4 Fertilizer creates 1 Greenhouse Platform
1 Wooden Platform with 1 Wooden Frame creates 1 Wooden Hole
12 Sticks with 1 Duct Tape creates 1 Wooden Ladder
1 Wooden Doorway with 1 Wooden Support creates 1 Wooden Window
1 Wooden Pillar creates 2 Wooden Post
1 Wooden Wall creates 2 Wooden Rampart
1 Stone Wall creates 2 Stone Rampart (requires level 1 Craftsman)
2 Stone Support with 1 Board with level 1 crafting creates 1 Stone Pillar (requires level 1 Craftsman)
1 Stone Pillar creates 2 Stone Post (requires level 1 Craftsman)
2 Stone Frame with 2 Stone Pillar creates 1 Stone Wall (requires level 1 Craftsman)
1 Stone Wall with 1 Stone Support creates 1 Stone Window (requires level 1 Craftsman)
1 Scrap using Handsaw = 3 Wire (NEW)
1 Window + 1 Support = 1 Garage Port (NEW)
2 Shutters + 2 Bolts = Garage Door (NEW)


4 Animal Pelt creates 1 Animal Shirt
3 Animal Pelt with 1 Rope creates 1 Animal Pants
4 Animal Pelt with 1 Duct Tape creates 1 Animalpack
All Clothes (except Pink Shirt, Blue Sweatshirt, Sailor Fatigues, Khaki Pants and Brown Pants) create 2 Cloth
Pink Shirt, Blue Sweatshirt, Sailor Fatigues, Khaki Pants and Brown Pants create 1 Cloth


2 Cloth create 1 Rag
1 Scrap Metal with 2 sticks creates 1 Splint
2 (All Berries) using Stone creates 1 Crushed (All Berries)


1 Raw Venison over a fire creates 1 Cooked Venison

1 Raw Bacon over fire creates 1 Cooked Bacon


(All Molted Drinkings) with 1 Purification Tablets creates (All Drinkings)


(All Fresh Farming Items) creates 2 (All Farming Items) Seeds
(All Molted Farming Items) creates 1 (All Farming Items) Seeds


2 Military Bullets with 1 Empty NATO Magazine creates 1 Full NATO Magazine
4 Military Bullets with 1 Empty NATO Drum creates 1 Full NATO Drum
1 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Swift Magazine creates 1 Full Swift Magazine
1 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Bonjour Clip creates 1 Full Bonjour Clip
1 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Lebel Magazine creates 1 Full Lebel Magazine
2 Tracer Bullets with 1 Empty NATO Tracer creates 1 Full NATO Tracer
2 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Savage Magazine creates 1 Full Savage Magazine
4 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Savage Drum creates 1 Full Savage Drum
1 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Winchester Clip creates 1 Full Winchester Clip
1 Military Bullets with 1 Empty Lapua Magazine creates 1 Full Lapua Magazine
1 Tracer Bullets with 1 Empty Lapua Tracer creates 1 Full Lapua Tracer
2 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Yuri Magazine creates 1 Full Yuri Magazine
1 Civilian Bullets with 1 Empty Xtrmin Magazine creates 1 Full Xtrmin Magazine
1 Stick with 1 Nails creates 3 Arrows
1 Shells with 2 Nails creates 6 Buckshot
1 Shells with 2 Bolts creates 6 Slugs


1 Handlamp with 2 Duct Tape creates 1 Tactical Light
2 Canned Cola with 2 Can  over  a fire  creates 1 Muffler
1 Binoculars with 2 Duct Tape creates 1 Zoomomatic


1 Batteries with 2 Scrap Metal creates 1 Handlamp
3 Wooden Support with 2 Rope creates 1 Longbow
1 Can with 1 Bottled Water creates Canteen
3 Nails with 1 Raw Explosives with level 2 crafting creates 1 frag grenade
1 Sledgehammer with 4 Scrap Metal creates 1 Car Jack


1 Rope + 1 Cloth = 3 Fertilizer (NEW)
1 Scrap using Handsaw = 3 Wire (NEW)

See You Around!

Suggestions Post

By : Kemycal
Hi everyone!

Here you can post any commentary about suggestions for the fansite, if something is wrong, what can we do better or if you want something more in the site.


Unturned Available Servers List

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

In this post you can see all the available servers without hamachi or any other kind of program! Just put the IP and Port on your Unturned and Join In! This list is updated more then 3 times a day so you can trust it! 


IP:; Port: 25444 (Online) (NEW) (Normal) (PVP) (Sync) - 07/14/2014

If you know another server put in the comment section! 

See You Around!


By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

There are currently only 2 of us working on the fansite but we are looking for someone who wants to join us, applications will open soon!

Our current staff is:

KillZoneZ - Owner / Administrator - joao.pedro1827 (Skype) // thebzonez (Steam)

BloodDriver - Administrator

Kemycal - Author

Makarrony - Designer- www.youtube.com/makarronygamer (Portuguese Videos)

Special Thanks to "ThatOneGuy" who helped us a LOT with the fansite CSS and HTML :)

See You Around!

Update 2.0.7

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Welcome to the first update we show here in the Fansite. We aren't going to simply show you the changelog like it is in the steam community website like other websites do, we prefer to explain you what changed instead of giving you a boring list of everything that happened.

Update 2.0.7

Nelson took some time and decided to read the community's emails sent by gmail wich is pretty cool because it shows he cares about the community.


-Added sirens to emergency vehicles like police cars and ambulances which can be toggled with the control key.

-Day Time is now longer then night time. (60%/40%)

-People werent understanding that Bambi mode was supposed to be a mode where you spawn without anything everytime you spawn, so Nelson decided to add saving to this mode.


-Arrows, buckshots and slugs now spawn in groups of 3 to 5

-You can now destroy barricades in Single Player

-Zombie's detection radius is now smaller.


-Plants can now be planted in wheat and potato fields

As of the migration of the servers. Nelson change his code to another he says its better and will give the possibility to play the game in Windows, OSX and Linux (32 and 64 bits). The migration may take a while because there are currently few documentation about this new code.

Post in the comments what did you liked or/and didnt like in this update and what do you think it should come out in the next one! 

See You Around!

About Us

By : KillZoneZ
 Hello Unturned Players!

We are currently 4 guys (Me, Kemycal, Makarrony and BloodDriver) building this website to most of all have fun and entertain every single Unturned Player. We have a few goals targeted but we cant still aim high while the fansite isnt 100%!

I hope you guys help us hit those goals as soon as possible!

See You Around!

Contact Us

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

You can contact us by facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Unturned-Fansite , Twitter - https://twitter.com/UnturnedFansite , and soon Gmail!

See You Around!

Welcome to Unturned Fansite!

By : KillZoneZ
Hello Unturned Players!

Today is a big day for us! We finally set up our fansite and everything is running just smooth! I created this fansite because i didn't really found another one decent and for such a beautiful game like Unturned there should be one.

I want you to know that this fansite is nothing without its members so i would REALLY appreciate all of your help! Plus there is something really special coming up that i think you are going to like :)

See You Around!
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